We were recommended to Jackie by a friend who has one of her ridgebacks, and were lucky enough to get our gorgeous girl
Coco 18 months ago. Jackie breeds the most amazing dogs; beautiful, high quality and the most amazing temperaments. Coco is the heart of our family and is fantastic with our children. Everywhere we go (friends, dog experts, vets, working dog trainers) all without exception comment on how high quality Coco is – in all
aspects – looks, build, coat, and temperament.

Jackie goes above and beyond and is always available for any questions or concerns – no matter how long you have had your dog. When you are lucky enough to get a Zejak you join a lifelong community. 24 hour responses to queries, great advice and a deep knowledge of the breed from her 30 + years of breeding.

We can’t recommend Zejak enough both for the quality of the dog – Coco is the most family friendly, big gently giant I have ever known – and for the help and advice that is always on hand.

Gillian Fox